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Used Equipment for Sale

Used Equipment List is updated monthly so please call 540 347 2533 to confirm item is still available.

Used Equipment has no warranty.

last updated Feb 18 2025

Just arrived Thinktank Airport Security Bag V3

Hard Equipment Cases

Nikon D4, Nikon 70-200mm AF-S F2.8 FL Lens

Nikon D3000 body, Nikon 40mm AF-S DX macro, Nikon 17-55mm AF-S DX f2.8

Nikon D4 bargain condiction no battery charger $150
Nikon D3000 body  crop sensor                           $65

nikon 40mm macro DX                        $159

Think Tank Airport Sercurity Bag V3             $275


McClanahan Camera (McCamera) 


 306 Lee Hwy

Warrenton, VA 20186

Mon - Fri  10am - 6pm

Saturday  10am - 4pm


Limit of Liability

Submitting any tangible or electronic media, image, data, file, card, disc, device, film, print, slide or negative for any purpose such as processing, printing, duplication, alteration, enlargement, storage, transmission, or other handling constitutes an AGREEMENT that any loss or damage to it by our company, subsidiary or agents, even though by our negligence or other fault, will only entitle you to replacement with equivalent quantity/size of unexposed photographic film or electronic media and processing of the replacement media.  Except for such replacement, our acceptance of the media, image, data, file, card, disc, device, film, print, slide or negative is without other liability, and recovery for any incidental or consequential damage is excluded. No express or implied warranty is provided.

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