Turn your camera to Manual Exposure Mode (M)
Use Manual Focus set to infinity or icon of mountain.
Tripod is strongly suggested.
When using tripod turn off the image stabilization on your lens.
Use the self timer or remote release to take photo.
Set shutter speed to 10 seconds and aperture to lowest number possible like f2.8.
Set ISO to 800. Look at photo.. More than likely you will need to adjust it.
If the photo is too dark either increase number of seconds for shutter speed or increase ISO
If the photo is too light decrease ISO
If your camera has a long exposure noise reduction feature consider using it.
Don't have a manual mode on your camera
Consider using the fireworks scene mode, HDR, or the night landscape mode.
More advanced and love to use photoshop.
Consider shooting in RAW
Consider HDR stacking
Consider changing White Balance
Consider painting with light